About Kelley
Psychic Medium Kelley Eckhardt was born with memories of her time in the spirit world and many of her past lives. Kelley’s first memory in the spirit world was of her mother giving birth to her brother who was put up for adoption. This was 13 years before she was born. Being the youngest child in a big family and growing up in Venice Beach, CA in the 1970’s, where everyone had crystals, bongs and tarot cards on the coffee table contributed to her ability to relate to many people. Having always had a strong connection to her angels and the spirit world since birth was key to her surviving the dysfunctional dynamics at home. While most families were playing Monopoly together, Kelley’s family used the Quiji board and talked to spirits. On her 11th birthday, Kelley’s oldest sister gave her a tarot deck, which she still has today. Kelley’s gifts have been with her since birth, it is a family trait, genetics, or whatever you may call it.

She has trained with many Arthur Findlay tutors and taken many courses to dive deeper into her many gifts. She has been recognized and featured as an expert on the Roni Deutch radio show, been double tested and validated by Shay Parkers Best American Psychics and is a credible and reputable member of Bob Olson's Best Psychic Directory. She has mentored with Thomas John, Lisa Williams and renowned Spiritual mediums Mavis Pittilla, and Andy Byng. In 2020, Kelley co-authored the Amazon #1 best-selling book, The Last Breath.
Kelley loves learning and continuing to develop her gifts further; She understands that there is always more to know and prides herself in life-long learning. Kelley understands navigating life-shaping grief, having experienced the loss of her oldest son Ron when he was 20 years old. She draws from this devastating experience and her own healing process to offer others an understanding of the Spiritual world.

Kelley's Approach
As an Evidential Medium, Kelley's job is to provide you with proof of life after death. Evidential Mediums don’t want to know anything about their clients, or their loved ones in spirit, as they want the information they bring through to come straight from spirit. Kelley wants you to have that confidence in her by knowing you did not provide her with any information about your loved ones. Kelley will bring through many things such as your spirit loved one's personality, how they are related or connected to you, shared memories, how they passed if they want to talk about that, any signs they may be giving you, and she may get names and of course their loving messages for you. This is not an interview; Kelley is merely a channel for spirit to speak with you. She is not in charge of who comes through or what they tell her. Trust that spirit is working in your highest good.